User List


Up to nine different people in a household can use Diet Power concurrently. The User List (also called the "Who Are You?" list) is Diet Power's way of finding out who you are each time you log on, so the program will open your records and not someone else's. You can also open the User List after you log on, either to switch to a different user's records or to add a new user.


(Note: If you start up Diet Power with the household icon, the User List will open automatically during your log-on. If you use a personal icon, however, the program will skip the User List, because it already knows who you are.)


To identify yourself when logging on:


1. Find your name on the User List, and highlight it by clicking it.


2. Click OK or press the Enter key. Diet Power will take you to the next step in your log-on.


To see whose records are open after log-on¼


¼look at the title bar at the top of your Home Screen. It always displays the current user's name.


To open the User List while using Diet Power:


From the Home Screen:


·   click the User List button: image\diet0030.gif




·   open the User Menu (by clicking the word User) and choose "Different User."


(Note: Diet Power will refuse to open the User List if the working date is not today. For instructions on resetting the working date, see "To Change Your Working Date" in Calendar.)


To begin working on a different user's records:


1. Find the user's name on the User List, and highlight the name by clicking it.


2. Click OK or press the Enter key. Diet Power will start that person's log-on procedure. (If the person has a password, it must be entered to begin the session.)


To add a new user:


1. Click the button beside the User List that's labeled "I'd like to enroll as a new user or import all of a user's records from an earlier version." Diet Power will open a blank Personal Information Form.


2. Fill out the form (see Personal Information Form) and click its OK button. Diet Power will open a dialog asking for the user's current weight.


3. Type in the user's weight and click OK. Diet Power will ask you to confirm the weight.


4. Confirm or correct the weight. After OKing it, you'll be given a second form that asks for the user's goals.


5. Key in the user's goal weight and target date; then click OK. Diet Power will set up the new user's files and let him or her proceed into the program.


To import a user from an older version of Diet Power:


Click the button beside the User List that's labeled "I'd like to enroll as a new user or import all of a user's records from an earlier version." A Personal Information Form will appear. Click the Import My Records Button in its upper-left corner, browse to the location of the old records, and click OK.


To delete a user's records:


This can't be done from the User List, because Diet Power allows only the Master User to delete users¾and when the User List is on your screen, the program doesn't yet know which user you are. To learn the correct procedure, see User, Deleting a.


To bypass the User List when logging on¼


¼see Icon, Installing a Personal.


To leave the User List without choosing, switching, or adding users:


If you deliberately opened the User List from within a work session, click Cancel or press the Escape key. This will put you back at the Home Screen, still working on the user's records that were open before you called up the User List.


If the User List opened automatically during your log-on, click the button labeled "Exit From Diet Power" or press the Escape key. Diet Power will shut down without changing anyone's records.