Logging On


This means opening your records and starting a new session of Diet Power. It can be done in three ways:


To log on from the household icon:


1. Double-click the icon. (It looks like this: image\diet0000.gif) After the logo appears and the food databases load, the User List will pop up.


2. Highlight your name on the User List (by clicking the name) and click OK. You will then be asked for your password (if you've established one), shown your Body Log so you can record your weight (if you haven't logged it yet today), and given a Food for Thought item (unless you've turned this option off) before being taken into the main part of the program. (Note: If you don't want to log your weight every day, just click OK when the Body Log appears, and Diet Power will assume your weight is the same as before. Your calorie budget will be accurate enough for the time being. Diet Power will correct it next time you log your actual weight.)


To log on from your personal icon:


Just double-click the icon. This saves time by bypassing the User List. (For instructions on setting up a personal icon, see Icon, Installing a Personal.)


To log on from another user's session:


1. Ask the other user to go to his Home Screen and:


·   click the User List button: image\diet0030.gif




·   open the User Menu (by clicking the word User) and choose "Different User."


(Note: If the other user is working on past records, Diet Power will refuse to open the User List until she resets the working date to today.)


2. Diet Power will close the other user's session and present the User List. Highlight your name, by clicking it.


3. Click OK. Diet Power will let you begin a new session of your own.