

Decimals are numbers expressed in tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, instead of in fractions like ½ or ¼. (Example: 4.25 is the decimal form of 4¼.) In most of its dialogs, Diet Power doesn't care whether you enter a number in decimal or fractional form. If you need to convert, however, you can either use the Windows Calculator or consult the following table:


 1/16 = .063 ~.1*

 1/8 = .125 ~.1

 3/16 = .188 ~.2

 1/4 = .250 ~.3

 5/16 = .313 ~.3

 1/3 = .333 ~.3

 3/8 = .375 ~.4

 7/16 = .438 ~.4

 1/2 = .500 ~.5

 9/16 = .563 ~.6

 5/8 = .625 ~.6

 2/3 = .667 ~.7

 11/16 = .688 ~.7

 3/4 = .750 ~.8

 13/16 = .813 ~.8

 7/8 = .875 ~.9

 15/16 = .938 ~.9



You can generally round decimals to the nearest tenth (the figure in the right column) without significantly harming Diet Power's calculations.