Professional Comments


Patients Pleased

I have found great success with DietPower, both personally and for my patients. Many of my patients (I'm an obstetrician/gynecologist) are particularly pleased with your allowances for lactating women. Keep up the good work!
—Jon Fackler, M.D., Cincinnati, Ohio

Beats Notebook

I am a clinical psychologist in training and have used self-monitoring before, both for myself and as a recommendation to patients. DietPower beats carrying around a notebook. The program is excellent!
—Marta Fliss


I'm a family doc, and I appreciate a recent patient who let me know of DietPower. It's very cool. It can keep me accountable and fits in well with my sense of number analysis.
—Sheila Marshall

Lost 100

My doctor recommended DietPower. He lost 100 pounds and has maintained for two years by counting calories. Since he has experienced the struggle to lose personally, I know he knows what he is talking about.
—Jean Cavender


I use DietPower to balance out my proteins, fats, and carbs. Your software is a lifesaver.
—Donald H. Kahn, D.M.D.

Patient's Tip

I am a family-practice physician who had a patient tell me about your product and the success she had. I heard similar comments from a few other patients, and decided to look into DietPower myself. My wife and I are both using it and have had good results. In six months, I've lost 65 pounds; she, 25. I now recommend DietPower to my other patients.
—Paul Huser, M.D., Wichita, Kans.


For a couple of years, I found my weight rising, even though I was eating a low-calorie diet and exercising. At first, my doctors assumed I was simply underestimating my intake. But when I showed them a printout of my DietPower records, they were shocked, because it showed exactly how few calories I was burning.

Tests were run, and it turned out I have Cushing's Disease, caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland. Cushing's is rare, but autopsies show that it is underdiagnosed. Many people, especially women, die of CD without ever knowing they had it.

My weight gain was merely frustrating; the disease could have taken my life. Without my DietPower records, doctors would not have understood that I had a real problem. Your software takes the mystery out of nutrition and lets the user see exactly what's happening.
—Tanya [last name withheld]

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