Print Setup


Print Setup is actually a Windows function, but it can be opened from within Diet Power. It lets you switch to a different printer (if you have more than one), change between portrait and landscape printing, specify the paper size, choose a paper tray, refine or coarsen the print resolution, and make other changes in your print routine.


To use Print Setup:


1. From your Home Screen, open the User Menu by clicking the word User.


2. Click "Set Up Printer." The Print Setup dialog will appear.


3. Make any changes you want. (For detailed instructions, consult Windows Help: click the word Help at the top of your Home Screen and choose "Using Windows Help.")


4. Click OK. Windows will change the setup and remove the dialog, leaving you back at your Home Screen.


To close Print Setup without changing any printer settings¼


¼click Cancel or press the Escape key. Windows will discard any changes you've made and take you back to the Home Screen.