The household icon is a picture of an apple¾¾that any member of your household can double-click in order to start up Diet Power. The icon is created automatically when you install Diet Power on your hard drive. If you accepted all of the defaults during installation, you'll find the household icon in three places:
· on your Windows desktop.
· in the Diet Power program group, which you can open by clicking the Start button, then sliding the mouse pointer to "Programs," and finally sliding it to "Diet Power."
· in the Diet Power subfolder, which you can open by double-clicking the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, then the symbol for the C: drive, then the \Program Files folder, and finally the subfolder labeled "\Diet Power."
(If you didn't accept the defaults, the icon will still be available in three places¾but the last two locations will have the names you gave them, instead of the names suggested by Diet Power.)
Reinstalling the Desktop Icon
If you've erased the household icon from your desktop and want to restore it, follow these steps:
1. Open the \Diet Power subfolder, as described above.
2. Drag the household icon (which is labeled "Diet.exe") out of the folder and onto your desktop. (Windows won't actually move the icon¾it will copy it and label the copy "Shortcut to Diet.exe.")
3. If you want to give the shortcut a clearer name:
a) Click the name "Shortcut to Diet.exe," to highlight it.
b) Type "Diet Power" (or whatever name you want to give the icon) over the old name.
c) Press the Enter key.