Diet Power is available to the general public in three editions:
Personal Edition is licensed for as many as nine users in the same
household. It is described at (You can get a free trial copy of the Personal
Edition from, either by downloading or by having it mailed to you on a CD-ROM. The trial works exactly like the paid version,
but only for 15 days. It can be converted to a permanent version with
a phone call or
Consultant's Edition allows a doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer,
or other practitioner to sell or distribute single-user copies to patients
or clients he or she is monitoring, and to review their records with them
during office visits. For details,
click here.
The Large-Group Edition can handle many more users. It is ideal for health clubs, corporate wellness programs, and similar applications. Details.
The Classroom Edition is for public and private K-12 and college classroom use. Details.
We also develop special editions for public and private institutions.
For further information... us.
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Last Modified: 10/6/06