Body History


Your Body History is a graph you can display on your Home Screen, showing your weight, your intake of any nutrient, or as many as six custom variables you can establish for yourself. Under the graph, Diet Power also displays your weights (starting, current, projected, goal), your Calorie Tally, your metabolic rate, your Calorie Bank balance, and your Nutrition Quotient (NQ).


To view your Body History:


If you've already made the Body History your Home Screen, just close any dialogs you have open and the history will be revealed.


If you haven't chosen the Body History as your Home Screen, there are two ways to do so:


Using the View Menu:

  1. From your current Home Screen, open the View Menu by clicking the word View.

  1. Click "Choose Home Screen." The Choose Home Screen dialog will open, listing up to 40 variables that you can graph on the Home Screen.

  1. Click the variable that you want to be graphed on your Home Screen.

  1. If you wish, refine your choice by clicking radio buttons under "Scope" and "Data Smoothing." (The dialog's Help button will explain the choices.)

  1. Click OK. The Choose Home Screen dialog will disappear, taking you back to the Home Screen.

Using the right mouse button:

  1. Right-click anywhere on your Home Screen. A menu will open, showing up to 40 variables that you can graph on your Home Screen.]

  1. Click the variable you want. The menu will vanish and the variable will be graphed on your Home Screen.

(The right-mouse-button method does not let you specify the scope or data smoothing.)


Whichever variable you select, it will continue to serve as your Home Screen until you replace it.


Interpreting the Body History


(Note: If you've chosen to make the Body History show a history of your weight, we suggest reading Weight History, Your instead of the following.)


When the working date is today, the screen's background will be light blue. Otherwise, the background will be yellow and the graph will have a bright-green vertical line marking the current working date.


On the graph, the scale for the variable you've chosen moves up the side of the screen and the calendar dates are spread across the bottom. If you slide the mouse pointer onto the graph, the pointer changes from an arrow to a vertical white line¾the "date picker."* The date that it's touching is always displayed on the status bar.


On the six custom-variable graphs, your actual readings are plotted as red, green, or purple lines. On Diet Power's ready-made graphs, they are always red. If you run the date picker along a line, the status bar will display the reading for each date.**


(When there is a gap in your data, Diet Power simply draws a straight line from the last value you logged to the current value. If you set up a custom variable to log your waist size, for example, and recorded it as 35 on one date and 33 six weeks later, Diet Power will draw a straight line from 35 to 33 across those six weeks.)


If you've set up a goal, ideal value, or Personal Daily Allowance (PDA) for a variable, it will be shown as a thin line reaching across the graph. On the Weight History graph the line is blue and slanted toward your goal weight. On all other graphs these goal lines are red or green, to match the numbers on each variable's Y axis.


Each time you start a new diet, the beginning of the diet will be marked with a vertical yellow line.



On a few computers, the date picker may be invisible because of memory or hard-drive limitations. Nevertheless, the dates and their associated readings will appear in the status bar as you move your mouse across the graph.




Exception: If you've chosen to display your calorie history, you'll see five lines, in five different colors, representing calories eaten, budgeted, burned in exercise, netted, and your metabolic rate. The status bar will display only calories eaten.


To jump to your records for past dates:


Using the mouse, move the "date picker" (the vertical white line) to the date you want.*** (The status bar will tell you which date you're on.) Then click to change the working date to that date. From here you can enter any of your logs or histories by clicking the menus or buttons in your usual manner.



If the date picker isn't visible on your computer, you can also jump to your records for any date by using the Calendar. To open the Calendar, click the "OCT 26" button at the top of your Home Screen.


To return to the present date:


Go back to the Body History screen and click anywhere outside the graph.


To print your Body History:

  1. (This can be done only when your Body History is visible on your Home Screen. If the screen is showing the Diet Power logo instead, change it by either using the View Menu or right-clicking the screen.)

  1. From the Home Screen, open the User Menu by clicking the word User.

  1. Click "Print History." (Note: This choice will be grayed out if your Home Screen is the Diet Power logo instead of the Body History.) The Windows Print dialog will open.

  1. Change your printer settings, if necessary.

  1. Click OK, and Diet Power will print the history.

To interpret the figures under the graph...


...see Weight History, Calorie Tally, Metabolic Rate, Calorie Bank, and Nutrition Quotient (NQ).



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Last Revised: 1/27/04